
Translation as Activism


Trans/Actions: Translation as Activism’ is a community-driven project considering the intersections of activism (acts of solidarity) and translation, understood in their broadest sense, from a theoretical and practical perspective. We work with translators, creative practitioners, academics, public service and healthcare professionals, and community groups in Ireland, to explore ways in which we can combine translation and activism to serve members of marginalised communities.   

Our inaugural event brought stakeholders together to consider challenges being faced by members of the communities and the ways in which a Trans/Actions community of practice could provide support. Notable outcomes included the identification of challenges such as underpayment and job insecurity for translation professionals, burnout, and lack of access to funding. These are represented in the graphic artwork displayed at the showcase and on the project website. 

Now that the community of practice has been constituted, and goals identified, we will move forward by putting certain activities, events and supports in place, while continuing to grow the community. We have established a resources hub and mailing list to support members of the community of practice, and in the longer-term plan to facilitate training in trauma-informed interpreting and run awareness-raising campaigns around the challenges identified. 

The project was launched with the support of the Future Humanities Institute in University College Cork


- Inaugural event to constitute Community of Practice and identify initial steps and priorities 

- Artwork: Graphic recording of the outcomes of the inaugural workshop  

- Relationships: Connections with community groups/members working with migrants and the deaf community in Cork. Links with academics in Ireland with an interest in translation and/as activism, and with professional translators/interpreters. 

- Grants:  We plan to develop these relationships in order to apply for New Foundations funding in 2024. 

- Project website showcasing outcomes and community art, serving as a hub for the community and housing the resources hub for the community of practice. 

This video was made for the UCC’s Future Humanities Institute Research Showcase